Alan Hourihane wrote:
> Using the compilefarm we now have PPC based DRI packages online.
> NOTE: I have absolutely no idea whether these work or not. Feedback is
> most definately welcome.

I've been wanting to report this for a long time but never came around to it.

With a self-built trunk just after the PCI GART merge it works for me until
the first 2D operation. I then get a lot of

[drm:r128_lock_take] *ERROR* 1 holds heavyweight lock

and only the mouse pointer moves (no surprise ;) . It's possible that this is
related to the fact that I have to use gcc 3.0 to build kernel and DRI so
others please test and report.

I used to have the same problem on the PCI GART branch at the beginning, it
went away at some point but I don't remember what fixed it. :(

> I expect to have Alpha Linux packages online too, within the week.
> (Oh, and possibly FreeBSD x86 ones as well)
> URL is as always -

Thanks for setting this up Alan!

Earthling Michel Dänzer (MrCooper)    \   Debian GNU/Linux (powerpc) developer
CS student, Free Software enthusiast   \        XFree86 and DRI project member

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