On Mon, 16 Apr 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I cannot connect to my ISP, these are the files
> for my pppd configuration, I try to launch with the
> command "pppd call provider" but I dont' see nothing
> that say me the connection is OK, and it don't work
> with X, there is something I must configure in the
> XF86Config ?
> I've tried to use also wvdial but after connection
> it don't read my password name, perhaps there is
> a bug in this application ?

Don't know if this is relevant for your hardware, but there has been some
earlier posts mentioning that one should add an init-string of "ATX1" for
the modem to wake up correctly on newer PowerBooks.

(haven't had any need for modem connections on my laptop yet, so I don't
know for sure - and also it is supposed to be fixed in the newest bleeding
edge kernels from BenH or Paulus)

 - Jonas

Jonas Smedegaard   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   http://www.jones.dk/~jonas/
IT-guide dr. Jones    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   http://dr.jones.dk/    +45 40843136
Debian GNU/Linux    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   http://www.debian.org/
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