Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 15, 2001 at 12:24:25PM -0700, Andrew Sharp wrote:
> > Perhaps you all should have read my post more fully.  It is NOT an
> > old kernel, it is 2.2.18pre21 and I tested an install.  It works
> > fine for 2.2.r2 Debian as I said.  It SHOULD be used unless you are
> > posting yours for 2.2r2.
> They've already been installed into the archive for 2.2r3, in fact.
> If it is 2.2.18pre21, I'm interested in what you did to make it work.
> Change the wait to a delay?  Or did you actually duplicate what I've
> been working on for the past two days and fix the initialization bug in
> the keyboard layer?

No duplication of work, and it's not a fix at all.  It's a hack,
pure and simple, and one that is meant to be temporary until your
real fix is available via the release of 2.2r3.  The reasons that I
did it are to relieve the pressure, if possible, on getting 2.2r3
out just to fix this problem, and to make it possible for people to
install on oldworld macs without having to wait for 2.2r3.  Also,
I've been doing some crap, and just got tired of doing weird stuff
to get the software installed, and thought I would share it with the
community.  I read somewhere that you had a fix coming, so I saw no
need to work on an actual fix anymore.  Not that I'd spent much time
on it, it's taken me a while to figure out how the dang
boot-floppies build system works.  ~:^)  Contrary to popular myth,
2.2r2 can't be obsolete until r3 is released.  It hasn't been
released, has it?  Believe it or not, I'm trying to help out here.

> > You should have read the whole post.  It clearly says otherwise.
> As Ethan pointed out, no, it didn't.  You nowhere said what you were
> doing, and everything I've seen posted before this was using 2.2.16.
> I'd appreciate it if you could explain what you did to fix the problem.

Too bad -- I say it did.  At least, it was clear to me!  Here is the
last line, more or less, of my original post, which for some reason
no one quoted when replying:

"Note that this link used to point to a 2.2.17 based floppy I built
a while ago that really wasn't all that useful."

This should make it clear that this isn't the old floppy.  I also
stated in a post not long after I built that 2.2.17 floppy that it
wasn't really useful for installations, as I noticed the module
version mismatch problems that occured during installation. 
Regardless, next time I will be crystal clear, rather than relying
on people understanding what I mean by "useful."  OK, OK, so I
didn't actually say "2.2.18pre21,", I guess the reason why is that
some time ago it was clear to me that nothing else would be useful. 
Sorry.  Guess I goofed.  At least I didn't f00f, though, right?

The module errors that occur with this 2.2.18pre21 floppy are
because some things in the original kernel are only for new world
macs and so I didn't bother to include them in the kernel I built. 
I think I accidently built it in a couple of things that used to be
modules in the original.  Stuff like that which I hoped won't matter
for the next week or two or three.

What I did: I built a kernel not using the new input layer.  That is
why it is a hack, not a real fix, because the kernel used can't be
used anywhere else except that one strange floppy unique to oldworld
macs.  But it will work, for, I don't know, the next week or so? 
The next two days?



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