On Sat, Apr 14, 2001 at 06:20:57PM +1000, Steven Hanley wrote:
> we are also allowed to reverse engineer and such in .au, however I have
> never programmed in macos and dont have any macos devel tools, so wouldnt
> even know where to begin doing the equivalent of 
> strace -f -p `pidof controlpanel`, though I could probably work out the ppc

not really, about the closest you can get is installing macsbug, the
MacOS debugger and step through the program that way.  

> asm in a macos binary, it would be a long and slow process to work out what
> is happening inthe internals of a macos binary like that etc etc. Give me
> linux anyday. Free devel tools, open formats, open source, etc. though I am
> speaking to the converted so hey.

exactly ;-)

Ethan Benson

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