A strange problem on my powerbook appeared when I blew away my MacOS 9.0.4 install and put MacOS 9.1 on it.
I booted off of the 9.1 CD and formatted the partition that had OS 9.0.4 installed on it (/dev/hda10). Then I installed MacOS 9.1. At some point after I erased the OS 9.0.4 partition, a disk called bootstrap showed up on the MacOS desktop. This disk has never appeared before in MacOS. The bootstrap disk is at /dev/hda9 is named Apple_Bootstrap and is of type HFS. Once the bootstrap disk showed up in MacOS, lilo did not appear when booting. I was able to boot off of the Debian CD and get into Linux and run ybin to get lilo back, but whenever I booted into MacOS, lilo would get nuked. I looked at the partition table (or what mac-fdisk showed), and there was no change in the partition names or types from before I did this upgrade and after. Is there a way to get the Apple_Bootstrap partition to not be seen by MacOS even though it is a HFS partition? Or does MacOS 9.1 do some "extra stuff" to blow away the bootstrap records? Thanks in advance. -- --Grant Miller grant at unixguru dot org A lot of people are afraid of heights. Not me. I'm afraid of widths. -- Steve Wright