
I'm afraid the problem with the pmud still exists.
Okay, I'm running 2.2.17 paulus (self-compiled)
on a powerbook 2400; dist is debian 2.2, pmud
is version 0.7-3 (the most recent).

When the PB2400 is going to snooze while the
harddisk is currently working, it won't properly
reactivate the harddisk when wakening up again
and displays "hda: lost interrupt". No more
input is possible, not even a controlled shutdown.

(way to experiment: open two terminals, in one
"cd /", "find", this will make the harddisk 
read a bit; in the other: "snooze". Works quite
This also happens when running X, so no connection
to the Pismo-related discussion earlier.

When the HD is not active when going to snooze,
no problem. Awakening goes smooth.

Maybe somebody could also forward this to the 
kernel maintainers?

Thanks, bye
Philipp kaeser / [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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