>I´ve just tested your kernel on my TiPB and can tell that both users are >right. I ´ve just put my TiPB to sleep with mol running (close lid) >after 30 minutes I opened the lid and mol was running fine, no problems, > >At this moment I ran X and the TiPB is sleeping, with this nice blinking >LED. I open the lid and the book wakes up. >I switch from X to VT1 - close the lid - harddisk spins down, display >light goes off, but NO blinking LED! I open the lid and the TiPB died! >This is reproduceable. The TiPB dies in its sleep if you close the lid >within a text-terminal, this also happens when I type snooze in a >text-terminal. The TiPB goes to sleep and wakes up if I run X and type >snooze in a Xterm.
Doh ! I have a clue then... I though I fixed that (this problem existed with the Pismo too, there's a problem with the console code for sleep) I'll give that a look Ben.