Here's the deal - after finally installing debian on my titanium powerbook g4, the trackpad isn't working. here's the entry from the XF86Config :
Section "Pointer" Protocol "BusMouse" Device "/dev/mouse" /dev/mouse points to /deb/adb. Now here's some messages from my boot up sequence. (I'm using kernel 2.2.18) : ADB Mouse at 3, handler set to 4 (trackpad) input 3 : adb hid on id 3:3.01 . . (snip) . mouse0 : ps/2 mouse device for input3 mouse1 : ps/2 mouse device for input0 mice : ps/2 mouse device common for all mice I'm sure someone's gotten the trackpad to work in debian, so I'm asking - how do i do this? Huge thanks in advance! - natural.resonance - resonance(at)