At 01:29 AM 4/3/2001, Peter Cordes wrote:
On Mon, Apr 02, 2001 at 11:33:29AM -0700, Peter Canning wrote:
It seems to me that it can't be the kernel that is at fault, since it works
fine configured statically, or using dhcpcd. It seems to me that dhcpcd
must being doing something different than pump. My personal preference
would be to see dhcpcd un-obsoleted, and to make it the DHCP client used in
the install disks and base images. Until somebody can figure out how to
make pump work, I don't see why dhcpcd should be obsoleted.
dhcpcd has moved to the dhcp-client package.
#define X(x,y) x##y
Peter Cordes ; e-mail: X([EMAIL PROTECTED] ,
I tried installing dhcp-client (2.0pl5-4 from woody), and could not get it
to work at all. Ifconfig said that eth0 is up, but it had no IP address
assigned, and route should no routes. I tried experimenting with the
config file, but it appeared to have no affect.
- Peter Canning