Hi! I am the happy owner of an Apple PowerBook G4 (the "TiBook"). Happy not only because of the nice piece of hardware, but also because after 5 days of struggle I have finally succeeded in making it run Debian Sid complete with X11 :-)
I am tweaking a few .deb packages and compiling varius kernels. Add this to your /etc/apt/sources.list if you want it all: deb http://debian.jones.dk/debian/local sid misc tibook I have also thrown in my yaboot.conf, XF86Config-4 and other things that should make it easier to do the intial install, even without the Debian CD: http://debian.jones.dk/debian/local/auryn/ Kind regards, Jonas Smedegaard -- Jonas Smedegaard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://www.jones.dk/~jonas/ IT-guide dr. Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://dr.jones.dk/ +45 40843136 Wetware <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://www.wetware.dk/ +45 32540822 GnuPG(1024D/C02440B8): 9A98 C6EB C098 9ED0 3085 ECA9 9FB0 DB32 C024 40B8