On Mon, Mar 26, 2001 at 03:37:46PM +0200, Lorenzo De Vito wrote:
> This is the sixth month that I use Linuxppc, I come from Linux RedHat
> installed on a PC pentium, the thing that I've notice is that Linuxppc or
> DebianPPC is the little brother of Linux on Intel systems, the softwares
> isn't updtates to the latest versions, an example is Netscape, some
> programming languages, like Java, are patched to run on ppc machines and
> this not interest to Sun, some distributors as Red Hat isn't interested on

these are proprietary programs, it is quite correct that
proprietary/non-free software will be outdated if its even available
at all for an arch != i386.  

> PowerPC but there is a Red Hat fo Sparc systems based, the site of DebianPPC

redhat has dropped its sparc distribution it would appear.  

> is only a little garage of the great house of Debian, a good example of only
> ppc site is www.Linuppc.org, so I think, there is possibility in future that

penguinppc.org is a more distro neutral PowerPC GNU/Linux site.  

> our o.s. became a great o.s.and software updated in real time ? There is a

i find that Free Software is nearly always up to date since its
portable and can simply be compiled for powerpc without difficulty, if
there is any portability bugs anyone is free to repair them, unlike
with non-free software.  

> possibility for a ppc site like example linuxppc.org ? There is a


> possibility that software porting is made and based directly on ppc systems

its quite hard to port a proprietary peice of software, or a peice of
software under a non-free and restrictive licence that forbids such
things.  in this case you are prisoner of the vendor of this
software.  all the more reason to use Free Software instead.  

> ? I hope that other distributors like Red Hat, Mandrake, Caldera and others
> begin to sell them products for PowerPC systems this can be a great step for
> the evolution of our little comunity.

its not going to happen, for for good reason.  PowerPC is NOT a good
archetecture for someone wanting to make money selling CDs or lots of
support.  there simply is not a very large install base of powerpcs
and among that small base even fewer run GNU/Linux.  The fact is the
majority of powerpc hardware is Apple's and the majority of people who
buy apple hardware run Apple's OS: MacOS[9X].  i do not see this
changing drastically in the near future. 

> Anyone know journal for LinuPPC ? Perhaps can be a good idea...

journal? i don't know what this is. 

> There are other mailing list on Linux or Debian PPC ?

development of the powerpc kernel port is
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  thats about it.  the rest are
distribution support lists such as this one.  

Ethan Benson

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