Hello I am trying to install debian on my new powermac G4. It is a 533MHz with the Geforce2 MX video card.
The problem is for whatever reason, my debian cd will not boot on this machine. I thought first that I had received a faulty cd, so I used the pseudo kit and made my own official cd from my pc. My cd would not boot either. Debian is what I want ultimately on the machine, but just launching linux on this machine has proved problematic. I tried YellowDog. It would boot up into the installation program, but when I specified install from cd, the machine stops with the initializing cdrom dialog on the screen. If I choose install from hard drive the installation aborts complaining that it can't find a shared library - I can't remember exactly which one. I have seen various postings around the net saying that linux does not support 2001 G4s yet. How do I identify whether my G4 is one of these? Is there a way that I can create some kind of custom linux installation cd from a pc or my mac or a combination of the two? I have no floppy drive or network, but I have plenty of hard disk space. Thanks in advance.