On 29 Adar 5761, Rolf Schatzmann wrote:

> You can boot almost any mac that will run OS9.1 and has open
> firmware using a linux (or any *nix) box with these instructions.
> http://www.gwc.org.uk/~ali/nb/

As that page itself says, this only applies to NewWorld Macs.  I
believe the OP was talking about OldWorld systems.  OldWorld systems
will run 9.1, I do believe, and have OF although it isn't nearly as

(My interest was piqued because my main machines are an 8600 and a
7200.  Oh, well.)
Charles Sebold
29th of Adar, 5761
Aleph-null bottles of beer on the wall,
Aleph-null bottles of beer,
You take one down, and pass it around,
Aleph-null bottles of beer on the wall.

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