On Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 11:15:46AM -0800, Wilhelm Fitzpatrick wrote:
> > >Then it was no problem to get the information I needed. Now I can
> > >Install
> > >MacOS 9.1 & MacOS X 1.0.
> This leads me to ask:
> I'm looking forward to putting MacOS 9.1, OS X, and Linux on my newly
> purchased Tibook this weekend, and I'd like to ask up front, not having
> messed with the newworld macs before, is it doable to set the machine up to
> "triple boot" all three?  And in what order should I install the OS's, that
> is, if I install Linux first, is there a possibility of MacOS X tromping
> the boot loader or anything like that?

its quite easy really, just use ybin, it supports creating a 6 way
boot menu of pretty much anything you ever wanted to boot.  

all you need to do is make sure you create an 800K Apple_Bootstrap
partition at the *beginning* of the disk, before all macos partitions
including macosx partitions.  

you should follow my documentation on partitioning at

note you should install MacOSX on UFS and not HFS+ since you can mount
UFS filesystems readonly in linux and MacOS will render HFS+ OSX
installs unbootable every time.  create your linux placeholder first,
OSX UFS second, and macos last.  then boot the debian installer delete
the first placeholder partition create the 800K Apple_Bootstrap and
linux partitions, install debian, then install osx, (reset OF after so
the boot-device will be set back to debian)  then macos.  

after you do that, add:


to /etc/yaboot.conf and rerun ybin.  use the right partitions for each
of course.  for OSX you need to use the OSX bootstrap partition not
its root partition.  you can find that in mac-fdisk -l /dev/hda  it
will be a type Apple_Boot partition.  

note that the public beta used to mount Apple_Bootstrap partitions but
not Apple_Boot, OSX unlike MacOS does not seem to harm yaboot
bootstrap partitions but it does insist on mounting them with 0777
permissions which is a huge security hole if you have users.  i prefer
to use the Apple_Bootstrap type for our bootstrap partitions since OSX
shouldn't confuse it with its own bootstrap partition.  in my limited
testing however OSX seems to ignore Apple_Boot partitions if they are
the wrong size, but im not certain about that.  

you can use OSX's pdisk to mark the linux bootstrap parittion as
read-only, then it will be immutable even to root on OSX (but not

Ethan Benson

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