Title: Re: Change swap after adding memory?
You can add the Aopen AON-325 10/100 ethernet PCI card as being supported.  Uses the Realtek RTL8139C chip.  I just compilied a kernel with the 8139too driver and it worked fine.  Only 14 bucks too.

No mac os support, but hey who cares?

i was gonna try an pci ide card in my server but the one i thought i had laying around turned out to be ISA (what was i thinking when i bought that?)


At 13:37 -0500 3/16/2001, jeramy b smith wrote:
Well, next time I take the server down I am going to take it out and back home and test it some more. With 2.4, my list of PCI cards that work nicely on ppc needs a revamp and update. I especially need to motivate people to stick IDE cards in their boxes and see if they work. Functional IDE cards seem to be a big concern for a lot of people.
-jeramy b smith

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