I have some issues with the upcoming 2.2r3 release of Debian.
1) Communicator still doesn't work on PowerPC (I'm currently using testing with kernel 2.4.2). That's OK because I'd prefer to use Mozilla anyway, *but* unfortunately Mozilla M18-3 is quite old now. The Mozilla people have made an official release (0.8) which should probably go in stable (but probably wont) and should certainly be in unstable/testing. I currently can not use any Internet banking because Java and/or SSL is not supported in Mozilla M18-3 (at least it doesn't appear so). I have installed netscape-browswer-4.6 on stable to get this functionality but it is broked on unstable/testing. I'd really like to see Mozilla get updated so I can ditch using Communicator ASAP. Does the powerpc mozilla maintainer lurk on this list ? <wink>
2) The 2.4.x kernels are not available for PowerPC in stable/unstable. I had to FTP a copy of the source from fsmlabs to use it. I'm not sure if 2.4.x issues affect stable or not but I'd still like to see a packaged 2.4.x kernel for unstable/testing. I'd also like a kernel that doesn't click on my powerbook. I've tried 2.2.x and 2.4.x kernels and they all click regardless of whether sound support is compiled in the kernel. I think is is less obvious when sound support is compiled in. The click is still there but is sounds garbled (like it is underwater). It is interesting to note that the clicks stop when I move the mouse a lot or flood ping the machine from another host.
I think these are my main issues. I can't remember any others at the moment so they can't be as important.
Cheers, Brendan Simon.