I have heard great things about Debian PPC. Problem is I can't figure
out how to get the .... thing working!
That is, I have d'led the 2.2 directory, and the rescue, root,
ramdisk, drivers and HFS boot disk, however I cannot figure out what
to do with them.
My Beige (oldworld) G3 will not write a disk from the .bin images.
I made a floppy from the HFS disk image, but I just get a crossed out
symbol in a blank screen.
Please help!
I have a 2GB partition set aside that I can use as a Linux install
partition, and an 8GB disk for the actual install.
I have read the dox over and over and cannot seem to work out what to do.
Will someone please either point me to a step-by-step description for
a dummy, or give me one from their own experience???
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