Alan DuBoff wrote:

> > > This must have been something else that was causing the problem, since I
> > > have just replaced my numbers with yours and they work, as well as the
> > > others that I thought didn't work (which work also)...hmmm....and this
> > > may have had to do with the Option "UseFBDev", since that was added at
> > > some point.
> >
> > Yes, I can't explain too many times that either that or some other options
> > are needed.
> I didn't realize I would need that, I didn't find any information available
> on it.

You haven't looked very closely at this list's archive, have you? :)

> I was trying to get the Rage 128 driver to work in the first
> place, and in fact the reason I took my Pismo to woody, since
> woody had XFree86-4. The fbdev driver was really painful on
> potato!

"UseFBDev" has nothing to do with the fbdev driver. The r128 driver stays
fully accelerated with it.

> I've always used xf86setup most of the time which seems to have gone,

on all architectures BTW

> and replaced with xf86cfg,

which is much better IMHO.

> and xf86Config is gone also...

Nope, it's still there (at least upstream) but deprecated by xf86cfg (which
can also run in text mode).

> > Dunno. If you find something, let us know so we can enhance the programming
> > of the FP regs in the driver. :)
> I'll try and dig it up and if I can find anything I'll let you know. I'll
> have to ask around, I work with a lot of ex-Apple folks, one of them might
> the hardware engineer...

Sounds like an opportunity, would be great!

Earthling Michel Dänzer (MrCooper)    \   Debian GNU/Linux (powerpc) developer
CS student, Free Software enthusiast   \        XFree86 and DRI project member

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