
Takuo KITAME built some unofficial 0.8 Mozilla packages, a simple
upgrade of the existing M18 packages in debian now.  The debian
mozilla maintainer is still working on totally revamping his packages
which will take some more time (mail, chat and all that crap will be
in seperate packages when he done it looks like) in the meantime these
packages are clean, and made for debian, they are NOT alienized rpm

Takuo only built the packages for i386, i rebuilt them for powerpc and
checked that they work.  i have made an aptable archive available on
penguinppc.org, add:

deb http://penguinppc.org/~eb/ ./

to your /etc/apt/sources.list and if you have the debian M18 packages
already installed a simply apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade will
upgrade them.  if you have any mozilla rpms or alienized rpms
installed remove them first.  then run apt-get update && apt-get
install mozilla.  

These packages include psm built in and it does work (test done via
the fortify.net ssl check).  Due to US export regulatations you cannot
download these packages if you reside in one of the `blacklisted'

mail any mozilla problems to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


Ethan Benson

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