I know the installation of Debian on OWM is a sore spot right now, but I have overcome the oft-mentioned boot-floppies failure by grabbing a floppy image created for OWM's. The machine boots Quik fine, though I am unable to direct OF to use kbd/screen for io (claim error). Here is a log of what happens when I try to boot kernel 2.2.18pre21:
Open Firmware, 2.0 To continue booting the MacOS type: BYE<return> To continue booting from the default boot device type: BOOT<return> ok 0 > printenv boot-device boot-device ata/@0:0 /AAPL,ROM ok 0 > printenv boot-file boot-file ok 0 > printenv load-base load-base 4000 4000 ok 0 > boot Second-stage QUIK loader boot: linux Starting at 0 no active packageopening display /[EMAIL PROTECTED] CATCH!, code=FFF0070 ok 0 > a usenet search yeilded one hit for this error with a vague mention of changing load-base to fix it. I haven't tried changing load-base yet. I really do not know what it is and would rather not touch it until I do. Welp, really.. I'm at a loss.. Anyone have a clue of what this valkyrie error is all about? Regards, Daniel