Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:
> >> I'd know a way... the same way that the fbdev drivers use.
> >> cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep machine to see what i mean
> >
> >I see. Unfortunately, this has the same 'problems' as the fbdev approach
> >(Linux only, /proc must be mounted, ...)
> That won't help for machines like the wallstreet that exist in different
> LCD panel configuration.

The problem only exists for r128 in the first place.

Bastien Nocera wrote:

> > > I'd know a way... the same way that the fbdev drivers use.
> > > cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep machine to see what i mean
> > 
> > I see. Unfortunately, this has the same 'problems' as the fbdev approach
> > (Linux only, /proc must be mounted, ...)
> Well, how does the kernel do ? Just do the same in XFree...
> It wouldn't need /proc and would work on all the PowerMac Unices.

The kernel has the OF device tree internally, the X server has no access
except through /proc .

Earthling Michel Dänzer (MrCooper)    \   Debian GNU/Linux (powerpc) developer
CS student, Free Software enthusiast   \        XFree86 and DRI project member

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