On Fri, 23 Feb 2001, Kevin B. Hendricks wrote:
> Here is a quick and dirty way to test.  Move both double parameters to the 
> beginning of the function and caller and the problem should go away.
> Another solution is to include a "dummy" int variable in both the caller
> and the function right before the double parameter "unit".  That dummy will
> fill a stack slot and force any messed up double alignment issue to become
> moot.

The second fix got it past the call to printtree(). Then it crashed when
calling another function, printcols(), which I fixed with the first fix.
This allowed it to run without crashing, but the resultant output was
obviously wrong, with what could have been a related bug.

Anyway, I think this proves that your hypothesis was correct.

> If either of those workarounds work, then please pass all of this info to
> Franz Sirl's attention on the gcc@gcc.gnu.org site and he can use it to
> track down the messed up code. It the workarounds fix things, this is a 
> definite bug

You said these were mostly fixed in the 2.95.3 series. The original bug
filer is using 2.95.2. Should I still file a bug? Or has someone got a
nightly build or something that they could test it on first, in case it's
already been fixed?

Stephen Turner               http://www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/~sret1/
  Statistical Laboratory, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WB, England
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