
On  19 Feb, this message from Tovar echoed through cyberspace:
> Here's the whole bus, or, at least all of PCI bus that 2.2.18 <vanilla> can
> find:
>     # lspci -v
>     00:0b.0 Host bridge: Apple Computer Inc. Bandit PowerPC host bridge (rev 
> 03)
> 'lspci' and/or LINUX only seems to be seeing PCI bus 0, which everything
> except a wide-SCSI card is currently plugged into.  The so-called 'IMS'
> card (actually an ix3D) iswhat MacOS and LINUX are able to use so far.

The problem is with the Linux kernel PCI code. It only scans the first
PCI host bridge, but your box has two of those (two 'bandit' bridges).
If you need Linux to access devices on the second bus, have a look at
the PCI patches here:


That will not, however, help to get the ixMicro card to work...

Regarding the S3 card, I supose this is a PC-type card? Then you might
want to ask on the linuxppc-dev list or search the archives thereof (see
lists.linuxppc.org) for somebody who has this type of card working via
an i386 emulator to actually run and execute the BIOS that's present on
the card. I don't remember who that was, off the top of my head...



Michel Lanners                 |  " Read Philosophy.  Study Art.
23, Rue Paul Henkes            |    Ask Questions.  Make Mistakes.
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