Hello, i'm just finishing to install the powerbook (pismo) of my boss.
she want's to be abble to use netscape. when I apt-get install netscape (or communicator or wathever) I get the following error Sorry the following packages have unmet dependencies: netscape: Depends: communicator but it is not going to be installed or navigator but it is not going to be installed E: Sorry, broken packages but when loocking at the 2 mirror I use (either ftp.fr.debian.org or ftp.pasteur.fr ) I see on the non-free/binary-powerpc/web/ the netscape 4.6 and 4.7 packages. communicator packages are also here. how could I install netscape. -- Suis-je bête. Je me suis fait kill-filoir. Il fait sombre là-dedans. Plein de monde. Tiens vous êtes là aussi? Bonjour, bonjour une fois, bonjour, hello, bonjour, bonjour. Pas de femme. -+- JR in: Guide du Cabaliste Usenet - Dans les oubliettes de fufe -+-