On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 07:58:22PM +0000, Rob Andrews wrote:
> Seems that there's a certain amount of reading in advance that should be
> done when playing with open firmware settings. Be warned: Don't type
> the following commands into your OF, unless you know your machine will
> survive.

correct, you need to be VERY careful what you change on OpenFirmware 3
machines (all newworlds)  in short NEVER mess with nvramrc or
load-base load-* variables.  the only variables you should ever
consider changing are boot-device, boot-command and boot-file.  DON'T

> Whilst trying to get netbsd booting (was aiming to see about hardware
> support), I entered "setenv real-base 600000" followed by "reset-all" into
> my open firmware 3 iBook. I was under the impression it was 2.4, judging the
> version at the top of the OF screen.

i hope your warrentee has not yet expired, because your bootrom has
probably been destroyed.  see the netbsd FAQ:


setting this load base on a newworld (OF3) box causes the bootrom to
be overwritten.  

messing with the nvramrc can also cause equal damage.  on newworld OF
is stored on flash and not a ROM like it is on an oldworld. 

> Any how, now when I hit the power button, it releases the apple noise, spins
> up HD and CD-ROM, and does nothing more.
> I've tried cmd+option+PR, cmd+option+OF, removing battery, pressing the
> reset button, but all to no avail.


> Does anyone know a quick fix (opening the unit is not an issue, I replaced
> the HD and am familiar with the insides) for this, or shall I just call the
> repair centre now? ;)

your only chance is to try and boot the backup rom, to do this
shutdown, and boot while holding down the interupt switch, keep
holding it down for a long time and if it works you should get a OF
prompt where you can run set-defaults.  

i would neglect to mention the details of the boot failure if you do
need to send it in for warrentee repair.  

Ethan Benson

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