I have a 500 MHz Cube and a 2.2r2 CD.  I burned the CD myself, and it is
readable when I boot Mac OS 9.04.  MD5 checksums are OK.  I got the image
at ftp://debian.uchicago.edu/debian-cd/stable/official/2.2_rev2/powerpc/, 
selecting NONUS.iso (652080 Kb Fri Dec  8 06:49:00 2000).

Under OS 9, I used Drive Setup to create 3 partitions:
  1.  1 MB (smallest allowed)
  2.  5 gig HFS+ (for dual booting)
  3.  remaing ~15 gig HFS standard

The notes I found suggested the inital partition needed to be of type
Apple_Bootstrap, but that is not an option from Drive Setup.  I tried both
HFS standard and HFS+.

I reinstalled OS 9 on the 5 gig partition.

I am unable to boot from the cd by either (1) holding down c or (2)
invoking apple-alt-o-f and then entering either (1) boot cd:\\yaboot or
(2) boot cd:\install\powermac\yaboot or (3) those two commands with a
comma after the colon.  (I've seen both forms suggested on the list.)

OF gives me the following:

Apple PwerMac 5, 1 3.2f1 BootROM built on 07/10/00 at 17:11:57

With either of the yaboot commands, Debian tries to boot but I get the
message "wrong partition 1 signature" and then the screen flashes a couple
of times, there is another message I can't quite read, then the system
hangs (monitor goes blank).

Scanning the list archive, I found another post with a similar question,
but no answer.  I also couldn't find the answer in any documentation, in
a search of DejaNews, or on a web page.  If I do solve the problem, I'll
add it to my detailed mini HOW-TO install on a Cube (not very far along at
the moment:  http://neath.org/Debian.html)

(I've used debian for about 3 years as my exclusive OS, but only on x86
boxes; I stopped using Macs after System 7.)


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