On Thu, Feb 08, 2001 at 07:06:20PM +0000, Sergio Brandano wrote:
>  I am posting the solution to the above problem,
>  in the hope that the package maintainers will
>  actually see this mail and will update the
>  binary trees overnight.

Thanks, Sergio.  I too hope it's packaged soon.

But damn! it blanks and sleep(120)s and reboots like the first x4 did.
Has anyone here had any success with this?

                                                - chad

Chad Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   URL: http://web.chad.org/   (GPG)
"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced".
First corollary to Clarke's Third Law (Jargon File, v4.2.0, 'magic')
      [ .sigs start with two hyphens, a space, and a newline! ]

> >Subject: Re: Advise needed on Mach64
> >From: Ani Joshi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2001 11:03:51 -0800 (PST) (19:03 GMT)
> >To: Sergio Brandano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >
> >Hello Sergio,
> >
> >I don't think the debian packagers have updated their 4.0.2 packages with
> >the driver and core server changes from my xfree86 tree.  The tree can be
> >rsynced from linuxppc.org::xfree86-pmac, which will grab an
> >xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86 directory which replaces the 'stock' one.
> >This tree contains the working ATI driver along with other server fixes
> >which are needed in the ati driver.  If you don't want the trouble of
> >making your own debs with the fixes, you will probably have to:
> >
> >1) grab X402 src or the deb src package
> >2) replace your .../xfree86 dir with the rsync'd one OR
> >   replace the .../xfree86/drivers/ati with the rsync'd one AND
> >   replace the .../xfree86/fbdevhw with the rsync'd one
> >3) build X, and do "make install" in .../xfree86/drivers/ati AND
> >   "make install" in .../xfree86/fbdevhw
> >
> >this will replace the broken modules with the working ones, and hopefully
> >your setup will be fine.  You might want to push the debian X packagers to
> >diff my tree and apply the changes to their packages as it would be much
> >easier for the people you tell on your page.
> >
> >
> >ani

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