On Thu, Feb 08, 2001 at 07:27:01PM -0200, Leandro Dutra wrote:
> > From: Chris Bryan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> > 
> > As far as word processing goes, I think StarOffice is the most popular
> > choice for Linux in general... if you think about it, let me 
> > know if you get
> > it installed, because I'm not sure about compatibility :)
>       StarOffice 5.2 I think doesn't have an Linux PPC binary or a source
> distribution; but the alpha version of StarOffice 6, called OpenOffice is
> available.

What license doesit come under ?
is it sufficiently free to be a debian package ?
And if not, is there some project fro a installer deb or something such ?

And if not, what is the best way of installing it ?


Sven Luther

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