I have been having a lot of trouble installing Debian 2.2.17 and 2.2.18 from the cdimage on the ftp site.

scsi on both mesh and 53c94 has been unstable, (for other details see my previous post 'SCSI woe'.

While the internal/external controller (53c94) is apparently slower than the internal (mesh), I have at least got to boot in to the base system with it. most of the time this has been broken and i have recieved 'Init id 1 respawning too fast errors, similar to those reported by Ted Swinyar ('Newbie Install Question on Umax S900').

Should I try to reconnect the Mesh controller or soldier on with the 53c94?
Are the kernels that I have been using fundamentally broken?
Does the message

*** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.18pre21/53c7,8xx.o

at startup have anything to do with my trouble?
The problem is also manifested with virtual memory errors as well.
At the moment issue seems to be the only thing between me and debian-happiness(tm).
thanks in advance --Bruce.

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