On Sat, Jan 27, 2001 at 11:00:25PM +0100, Gjermund Gusland Thorsen wrote:
> Hi Ethan I tried that too... but I end up zapping the PRAM trice to have the 
> old MacOS bootX combo in order to NOT see a black screen… PMac  7600/132MHz, 
> i. e.

quik booting sometimes takes some trouble shooting, simply getting a
black screen once does not mean its never going to work, you need to
either setup OF's output and input-device variables to get OF to
display to the console, or hook up a serial terminal to see whats
going on.  i cannot help diagnose a problem with unhelpful reports
like `i get a black screen'   that is no more helpful then `it

your problem could be as simple as a misconfigured /etc/quik.conf.  

Ethan Benson

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