On Wed, 24 Jan 2001, Petr Vandrovec wrote:

> On 24 Jan 01 at 11:11, Ani Joshi wrote:
> > I recently ran into an issue with the matroxfb driver and XFree86 4.0.2's
> > matrox driver.  Sometime in the past someone decided to use BE
> > register access in matroxfb for BE machines, while this is probably The
> > Right Way, it produces problems in X.  I can use BE register access
> > macro's in X but it was causing problems with the engine, perhaps some DMA
> > issue although the dma BE bits are on.
> Using big-endian on PPC was required by PPC users for compatibility with
> existing XF[86][68]_FBDev servers. Are you sure that there are no problems
> otherwise, and that it works correctly on all PReP/CHRP/???? architectures?

Nope it won't cause any problems, none of the XF[86][68]_FBDev servers where
accelerated for matrox, other libs (SDL etc) that have accel for matroxfb
don't work correctly for ppc either.

Changing the endian to little is the *right* thing, big-endian mode doesn't
offer us anything beyond problems in matroxfb 8/16 bit accesses become a
nightmare there...


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