Mark Webb wrote:

> Machine: Motorola Starmax 3000/200 (603e Mac clone)
> Video: Standard Mac on board plus FormacGA6 s3 (VIRGE) graphics PCI card
> OS: dual boot Debian 2.2r2 with Mac OS 8.6 and BootX
> The install goes well with only only a few minor non-X related error
> messages...
> AnXious during the installation process tells me I need and it will install
> the s3v server. However after the reboot the machine is configured to use
> the fbd generic server. I have tried installing X after the main install and
> again anXious says it will install the s3v driver but again the fbd one is
> actually installed in usr/X11R6/bin/

AFAIK only XF68_FBDev works on PPC. The other 3.3.x servers contains too many

> Startx leads to a great many error being posted and X crashing.

Seeing the actual output might help...

> Any input would be greatly appreciated. I don't want to go back to LinuxPPC!

Who does? ;)


Earthling Michel Dänzer (MrCooper)    \   Debian GNU/Linux (powerpc) developer
CS student, Free Software enthusiast   \        XFree86 and DRI project member

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