On Wed, Jan 17, 2001 at 11:54:39AM -0500, Adam C Powell IV wrote:
> And there's even newer stuff at ftp://ftp.fsmlabs.com/pub/linuxppc based on 
> the
> .1-pre7 source, meaning it includes reiserfs.
> Speaking of which, does anyone know if reiserfs endian/64-bit problems have 
> been
> worked out?

hehehehehe silly, everyone knows there is only one archetecture out
there: ia32

im not sure if the endian/64 bit stuff is fixed, i personally doubt
it.  but from what i have heard on irc it doesn't even compile on
powerpc.  someone in suse is working on it though.  

> But I still think that having multiple PPC trees with different features and
> different degrees of mergedness with Linus' is not a great way to develop a
> platform.  Maybe when the new patch system goes in we can evolve beyond 
> this...

i agree, the way it is now its impossible to just get a simple
finalized, cleaned up patch to fix 2.4.0 from kernel.org.  

Ethan Benson

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