On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 10:04:52AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> First problem:  Couldn't use Enter Key to install.  This was fixed by using
> Mirko's suggestions in FTPing the older version of boot floppy.

known problem, hopefully being worked on.

> Second Problem:  During the install I was asked to partition my disk.  Took
> me about two hours to figure out how to use it.  First I would initialize
> the disk to wipe out the old MAC partitions.  If I am correct,  2048 Blocks
> = 1MB.  Based on that number I was setting up my partitions.  However,  the
> partition software (not sure what program is called cfdisk?)  was reading
> my harddrive as a 509G drive.  Interesting knowing that it is only 2.1G.  I
> may need some help in this situation or may even be the cause for the next
> problem.

the program is mac-fdisk, the 509GB problem is also known, see my
mac-fdisk howto at

it explains a workaround to that issue.  do not leave your disk
partitioned as 500GB that is a corrupt partition table and will
probably cause you problems.

> Third Problem:  Once partitioning was accomplished?, I downloaded the .tgz
> files and used the CDROM drive to install the Base and drivers.  However
> this is where the problem comes in.  I get to installing drivers and it
> asks me for a floppy.  Well, I insert driver-1.bin and keep getting errors.
> "ioctl fdflush failed (not fatal):  Unknown error 515,"  <Continue>  then
> get, " This is disk 1 of 2 in the drv14pmac series of 22-Nov-2000 12:31
> EST.   Wrong Disk.  This is from series drv14pmac.  You need disk 1 of
> series the driver series."

not sure about this, first i assume you mean floppy drive not CDROM
drive.  sounds like the floppies are defective is my first guess.

> Forth Problem:  During the setup It allows me to configure via the Network
> as well.  When choosing this option I use DHCP and the MAC gets its IP
> address.  However, can't ping beyond its own address.   I am the network
> engineer for this site so I know all the settings are correct.  ifconfig
> shows that all information is correct and eth0 is up and DNS and domain
> name are correct as well.

sounds like your not getting a default gateway from the dhcp server.  

run /sbin/route to see if the default route is set/correct.  

Ethan Benson

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