> Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2001 17:51:42 +0100
> To: "David S. Bach" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: debian-powerpc@lists.debian.org
> Subject: Re: Install on PowerMac 7500
> Resent-From: debian-powerpc@lists.debian.org
> Resent-Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 00:54:25 +0800
> On Tue, Jan 09, 2001 at 07:55:24AM -0800, David S. Bach wrote:
>> I have several questions about installing on a PowerMac 7500. Before
>> I get deeply into something that won't work, I'd like to assess my
>> chances of getting a working, dual-boot Mac/Linux system.
No problem, bootx works really well provided that you don't have later than
OS8.6 on the mac partition that you are running bootx from, it gets flaky
after OS9 and breaks completely after OS9.0.4. Although I haven't tried it
with 9.1 I would assume that its still broken.
On machines where i want to run dual boot but need a current system I make a
small 50mb hfs partition and put a minimal install of os8 on it with bootx
in addition to your normal mac partition.
I have found quik to be quite difficult to use and it only seems to work
occasionally on my 8500. use boot x.
>> Questions:
>> 1. How do I refer to a hard drive on the external bus? (there is an
>> internal bus and an external one). I take it that my internal boot
>> drive is /dev/sda1. What about SCSI ID 0 on the external bus?
>> /dev/sda10?
> I suppose that you are speaking about when linux is already running, then you
> can look at /proc/partitions to see which partitions are available.
> That said, the scsi disk are devices /dev/sd##, where the first # denotes the
> disk, starting from a, and independent on the bus, i think, and the second #
> denotes the partition you are accesing, so /dev/sda1 is the first partition on
> your first disk, and /dev/sda10 is the tenth partition on your first disk, if
> you have only one disk on the internal bus, then /dev/sdb would be the first
> disk on the external bus.
er 2 luns actually an internal and an external the internal one is the
faster one.
> mmm, that said, your box has only one scsi chain, that has one internal
> connector and one external connector, and one controller, most probably with
> id 7. Then linux will simply number them following incrementing ids. Anyway,
> this will appear during the boot message.
> note 1 : you can access to a whole disk with /dev/sda for example, nice for
> doing backups or such, or for using hdparm or partitioning disks.
> note 2 : i think the bootx/OF/whatever naming scheme for disks is different.
>> 2. The PM7500 has a MaxPower G3 300 processor card. Is it necessary
>> to tell BootX anything about this?
> Don't think so, it should be transparent ...
er actually, if you install the g3 cache profiler extension from powerlogix
then there is an option in boot x to automatically set the cache, you want
to do this otherwise you run without a backside cache and that's slow...
>> 3. The PM7500 has a PCI video card, iX3d Ultimate Res. Can this work
>> with Debian Linux? (The resolution is set at 1024 X 768 @ 75.9 Hz.)
> There are two things here, the console system and X. The console needs a
> working framebuffer device, i think with most macs, you can safely use the
> offb, but there may be a specific fbdev for your hardware. Then there is X. In
> most case, you can use the 3.3 XF68_FBDev server or if using XF4.0.2, you have
> to specify the fbdev driver, and things will work, but maybe slowly. The X
> acceleration is dependent of the actual graphic chip being used.
>> 4. Is it safe to rush into installing BootX on the MacOS boot drive
>> and set up an external 1Gig drive entirely for Linux?
like before bootx=good
bootx + 8.6 = good
bootx + os9 = maybe
bootx + os9.1 or later = bad.
> Don't know, my guess would be that you can install bootx or whatever on a
> small partition of the second disk, but then i never installed linux on a mac,
> my ppc box being an apus amiga.
> Friendly,
> Sven Luther
> --
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