On Sat, Jan 06, 2001 at 11:25:14PM -0900, Ethan Benson wrote: > On Sun, Jan 07, 2001 at 09:11:45AM +0100, Manea Mirko wrote: > > > > I attach it. Thanks! > > > > btw, can you point me where to find info on how to build a hfs boot disk > > (like boot-floppy-hfs.img).. I can't find it anywhere :( > > i don't think there is any documentation on this, to my knowledge > nobody else has done so except Debian. all i know is this: > > you need a compressed kernel, all powerpc uncompressed kernels are too > large for a boot floppy, im not certain if debian is using a .coff > (which are compressed by design, you get these with make zImage in > arch/ppc/boot/vmlinux.coff) or if they are simply gzipping it, that > depends on miboot. from the debian script it looks like its a ELF > kernel which is gzipped. > > the kernel needs to support root filesystem on initrd on a floppy and > be configured to prompt for a root floppy.
Do you know if I can use it to mount my root partition (/dev/sda3) instead of a ramdisk? > > then you create a 1.44MB hfs floppy image (dd if=/dev/zero > of=hfs-boot.img bs=512 count=2880; hformat -l boot hfs-boot.img) > > the kenrel and miboot binary must be copied to the image, and the > filesystem blessed. here is the shell script used by the debian boot > floppies. (you can get the source from the boot-floppies package > (which also contain the miboot binaries and boot sector)) > > #!/bin/sh > > # Run with `pwd` the source top. > > image=$1 > > # Create the floppy image > dd if=/dev/zero of=$image bs=1024 count=1440 > hformat -l "Debian/PowerPC" $image > > # Put important files on it > hmount $image > hcopy powerpc-specials/miBoot/Finder.bin : > hcopy powerpc-specials/miBoot/System.bin : > > hcopy -r linuxpmac.gz :zImage > > # There's no longer enough room on the HFS disk for this :( No real > # loss. > #gzip -dc sys_mappmac.gz > .S > #hcopy -r .S :System.map > #rm -f .S > > # Possibly unnecessary blessing > # [ blessing is very necessary ] > hattrib -b : > > humount > > # Boot block > dd if=powerpc-specials/miBoot/hfs-bootblock.b of=$image conv=notrunc > > > # And we're done! > > > -- > Ethan Benson > http://www.alaska.net/~erbenson/ Thanks for the info.. I'll test it. -- Best Regards, Mirko Manea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> URL: http://www.mami.net