On Tue, Jan 02, 2001 at 12:30:53PM +0200, starlett wrote:

> 2) I can install LinuxPPC (Red Hat v7 based) without complete 
> reformatting my HD (I have 6 GB MacOS 9 partition and 4 GB unallocated). 
> Is it possible to use LinuxPPC partitioning scheme later with Debian? 
> LinuxPPC uses 32 MB HFS startup partition to load Linux kernel. I like 
> this more rather creating non-editable bootstrap partition.

you can use that 32MB hfs partition as teh bootstrap partition, just
DO NOT mount it on top of /boot like linuxppc does.  the bootstrap
partition should not contain your kernel images.  also note that MacOS
will render this partition unbootable when it mounts it, so don't post
a question asking how to fix that because the answer is use
Apple_Bootstrap to prevent MacOS from mounting it.  

Ethan Benson

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