On Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 10:59:15AM +1100, Steven Hanley wrote:
> Hmm an interesting thing is there is one pixel ner the top right that is
> blue at all times when the screen is on (ie somehting is being displayed,
> including the X screen blanking) it seems to be a hardware fault, I see it
> in macos also and in console and X. I am wondering if this is a bad enough
> thing that I should ask the dealer to get it fixed by apple. Is it somehting
> they would fix? or is it just something I should live with (after all only
> one pixel seems to be bad on the display) Any suggestions?

[note all my knowledge of powerbook displays is a couple years old]

this is probably a bad pixal, or a single bad transister.  the way i
understand it with active matrix displays (assuming todays displays
are still similarly designed) there are 3 transisters for each color.
since these displays are so complex and have so many transistors its
relativly common for one or tw pixals to be all or partially faulty.
since the display is so expensive and these single pixal defects are
so common Apple and most likely other laptop manufacturers have a
policy of allowing up 5 (maybe 10) pixals to be nonfunctional.  so
long as your display only has one bad pixal Apple will not repair it.
(well unless you wanted to pay for the replacement LCD yourself,
warrentee won't cover it)

Ethan Benson

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