
I have tried a few times to get the ppp stuff working with the modem on my
pismo. I have just incase this was the problem upgraded to pppconfig 2.0.5
and ppp 2.4.0f-1 from testing (as I am using kernel 2.4.0-test13-pre3,
although the ppp behaviour was evident with 2.2.17 also), I also downloaded
the minicom 1.83.1 source as I saw on the linuxppc-dev list in november
mention of the fact minicom below 1.8.3 didnt work on the pismo (I found it
wasnt working, the upgraded minicom works fine)

Every time I try to dial I get the error no dialtone.

I get this error if I dial with "pon someisp" aftyer setting up a connection
with pppconfig, I also get the no dialtone error when I try from within

Now is there some simple init string I should give to pppconfig and minicom
and I am being silly for not knowing it? or are there any other things I
should look for to be able to get the modem to work?

hmm I just noticed on Sergio Brandano page some notes about getting the
modem on a lombard or pismo to be able to dial with wvdial. And a link to an
apple AT Command reference, I downloaded the reference and will look through
it. Hopefully I wont need to ever install wvdial (tcl is evil and I wont
install it anywhere) and will somehow work out how to make pppconfig based
dialing work fine...

Any suggestions are welcome.

        See You

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   Is it a bird?  No
      Is it a plane?  No
         Is it a small blue banana?

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