> > Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I tried out TigerT's suggestion of
> > enabling the "UseFB" option. It still didn't work, but the failure
> > mode was a lot interesting: there were a bunch of almost-horizontal
> > diagonal stripes on the screen. (Unfortunately, the stripes weren't
> > orange and black, or the synchronicity would be complete).

> Mine works perfectly, my XF86Config is in the Dull Files section on my
> website.

I know. And I'm using it, sometimes straight (system locks up), sometimes
as a starting point (UseFB, doesn't work, but I get the system back).

Oh, and while further experimenting with bit depth, I did get orange
stripes. :-)

> I had to get aty128fb working first (although I'm not using "UseFBDev"),
> I guess otherwise the video card is not correctly initialized and the
> XFree driver doesn't know how to initialize it again.

I'm using the options you told me about earlier.

> I'm using the last XF4 that Branden put on his website before it moved
> to Woody.
> (dselect says: Version: 4.0.1-0phase2v5)

I'm using 4.0.1-12, downloaded yesterday.

Do you have any idea where I could get 4.0.1-0phase2v5? :-)


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