>That's all assuming screen power is managed by the PMU - for the Pismo,
>it's the Rage128 itself that controls things like backlight power. What
>happens if you use the Pismo screen powerdown function on an iMac? 

Won't help. Those function tweak some LCD baclight specific stuffs.

There _might_ be a way to turn the screen ON or OFF but that's definitely
not sure ;) If MacOS won't turn it off except in a deep sleep, I see no
way to work around this in Linux, at least not without some HW details
we may never have.

If it's an "old style" iMac, which has no real deep sleep, then there
may be some hope. On a Core99 machine, I'm afraid it may not be
possible. All I have in mind that could be tried is to put the video
controller to suspend mode via PCI power management.

What is the /proc/cpuinfo of this your box ?


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From: Benjamin Herrenschmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Michael Schmitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Subject: Re: powersaving on NW iMac?
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 23:04:33 +0100
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