[please direct all followups to debian-x]

Just thought I would check in with the architectures that released with
potato, but don't have current versions of the XFree86 4.0.1 packages in
the archive.

XFree86 is not easily handled by build daemons because of my "MANIFEST"
mechanism.  When the packages have stabilized more, I may be able to weaken
the manifest check a little and make the packages more suitable for

        I have applied patches from Chris Chimelis that should work; if
        someone could volunteer to keep the package up to date I sure would
        appreciate it.  If you do, please subscribe to debian-x.

        Alpha also needs to build the xfree86v3 source package.  It is the
        only arch other than i386 that needs to do so.

        I haven't heard a peep out of anyone about XF4 on the ARM.  Would
        someone please contact me about this?

        Nothing much to say here, it's the main development platform.  I
        handle this arch.

        I have applied patches from Christian Steigies that should work; if
        someone could volunteer to keep the package up to date I sure would
        appreciate it.  If you do, please subscribe to debian-x.

        I have applied patches from Susumu OSAWA that should work.  I may
        be in a position soon to handle building for this architecture
        myself; we'll see.

        I keep this architecture current with the i386 packages to within
        24 hours or so.

The bottom line?  From a packaging perspective:

i386 and sparc are in good shape
alpha, m68k, and powerpc I need feedback on
arm looks dead in the water and is an area of grave concern

I left the Hurd out of all this because Hurd support recently got merged
into upstream CVS, so I'm going to wait until we have packages based on
that code to ping those guys.  Also, hurd is still part of sid...

G. Branden Robinson            |      "I came, I saw, she conquered."  The
Debian GNU/Linux               |      original Latin seems to have been
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          |      garbled.
http://deadbeast.net/~branden/ |      -- Robert Heinlein

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