I saw a couple things in your "Screen" section that should be changed.  For the 
sake of argument, I will assume that you have at least 2MB of video RAM.  That 
being said, here are my suggestions:

1. The "Virtual" line seems to be manadatory on a Mac.  Without it, I 
experienced the flashing screens you mentioned.  Uncomment yours, and try 
"Virtual 1024 768" (no quotes) to start out with.

2. Change the argument for "Modes" from "default" to the following:
     Modes "1024x768" "800x600"  # these should be acceptable 
                                                 #   even on a 15" monitor

3.  I would probably remove the subsections for Depths 1, 4, and 24 also.

4.  The only other difference I noticed was that I have an explicit "ViewPort" 
line after the "Modes" line.  It's "ViewPort 0 0"


On Wed, 22 November 2000, "W. Crowshaw" wrote:

> At 3:47 PM -0800 11/21/00, Donnell wrote:
> >What do your device (Section "device") and screen (Section "screen") 
> >sections look like?  Could you post them?
> >
> Below is what the 'device' and 'screen' sections of XF86Config look 
> like. As I said in another post, I have not altered this at all. 
> One more thing...when I grab the output of startx, it says that I am 
> using a different driver than the one mentioned below. Here's the 
> actual output:
> (--) FBDev: Using cfb32 driver
> Caught signal 11.
> # **********************************************************************
> # Graphics device section
> # **********************************************************************
> # Any number of graphics device sections may be present
> Section "Device"
>     Identifier    "Linux Frame Buffer Device"
> EndSection
> # **********************************************************************
> # Screen sections
> # **********************************************************************
> # Server for the Linux Frame Buffer Device
> Section "Screen"
>      Driver      "FBDev"
>      Device      "Linux Frame Buffer Device"
>      Monitor     "Generic Monitor"
>      DefaultColorDepth 8
>      SubSection "Display"
>          Depth       1
>          Modes       "default"
>          #Virtual     1280 960
>      EndSubSection
>      SubSection "Display"
>          Depth       4
>          Modes       "default"
>          #Virtual     1280 960
>      EndSubSection
>      SubSection "Display"
>          Depth       8
>          Modes       "default"
>          #Virtual     1280 960
>      EndSubSection
>      SubSection "Display"
>          Depth       16
>          Modes       "default"
>          #Virtual     1280 960
>      EndSubSection
>      SubSection "Display"
>          Depth       24
>          Modes       "default"
>          #Virtual     1280 960
>      EndSubSection
> EndSection
> -- 
> W. Crowshaw
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