On Thu, Nov 23, 2000 at 01:41:30AM -0800, C.M. Connelly wrote:
> If fakeroot causes problems, then perhaps we should either fix it
> so that it causes fewer problems, or figure out a way to avoid
> using it.  Other packaging systems, such as RPM, allow people to
> build packages as ordinary users, and that includes glibc -- my
> partner has built RPMs of several versions of glibc over the past
> few days on a faster machine where root access wasn't an option.
> Until dpkg includes that functionality, however, I'll believe you
> when you say that fakeroot causes some problems and accept that
> the safest workaround is to build the packages as root.

AFAIK the only part of the .deb build process that usually needs root
privileges is where all the binaries are actually packed into the
.deb, root is needed to do chown and whatnot.  

i would imagine if the deb build process were altered so fakeroot was
only called when its actually needed: the packing time, where all the
chown, chmod stuff is happening.  this should fix this type of
problem since the compilers and other build programs are not running
in a fakeroot environment anymore. 

just a thought.

Ethan Benson

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