I just installed Debian 2.2 on my powermac 7500. I am
having problems bringing up x.  First, upon boot, the
system tries to start xdm, but it fails after the
screen flashes black three times.  Next, if I simply
try startx as root I get a error message that I should
report this crash to the developers of X.  The X
server that it installed was XF68_FBDev.  For more
clues about my problem, I could post all the gory
details startx outputs. My monitor is a simple Apple
Multiscan 15".

One more question, I looked through the debian mailing
list archives and saw similar posts such as mine, but
no answers.  I had to us the web-interface to view the
archives online.  I would like to search off-line.  
Could I download the debian powerpc archives?  And if
so, from where?


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