
Is sound Hardware installed ?
- kernel Module loaded ?
- Can you do this: " cat vmlinuz > /dev/dsp " ?

Are you in group audio?
- in /etc/group:

If everything is configured well you can do this:

look if esd is running : "ps ax | grep esd"
if not ...
Start X and enlightenment. Go to Xterm and start the E Sound Daemon manually 
with "esd"
perhaps you have to restart enlightenment.

Hope itīs running now ...


On Sun, Nov 19, 2000 at 09:58:46AM -0800, Donnell wrote:
> Hi.
> I recently installed GNU/Linux 2.2 on a PowerComputing PowerBase 180.  I am 
> using Enlightenment as the window manager.  I can't get any sound.  When I 
> choose "Settings:Audio Settings..." and select "Enable sounds,"  I encounter 
> the following error message:
>   Error initialising sound
>   Audio was enabled for Enlightenment but there was an error 
>   communicating with the audio server (Esound). Audio will 
>   now be disabled.
> I didn't see any startup messages in the log pertaining to sound problems.  
> Where should I begin looking in order to fix this problem?  What could be the 
> cause of it?
> Thanks,
> Donnell
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Michael Flaig ... PROLinux

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