Hello world, debian-cd folk: 2.2r1 is final, even if that'll make some of the powerpc and security folk (justifiably) unhappy. If you'd like to update the potato CD images, that'd probably be a good thing.
All who're interested: katie (ie, the new dinstall, ie package pools) will be rolled out when James has enough time to cope with any unforseen problems. Hopefully in the next week or two. "testing" will be rolled out shortly afterwards, in all probability. debian-cd folk: when katie is rolled out, the debian-cd scripts will probably break [0], it'd be very helpful if this can be fixed ASAP, otherwise we won't be able to provide official CDs for 2.2r2... Porters, X folks, etc: 2.2r2 is likely to come out relatively quickly. Please consider this as your notification, and upload any ports or security fixes or new versions that should make it into r2 sooner rather than later. For those who're interested: we'll see about handling 2.2r2 in a more transparent manner. I'll try to keep auric:~ajt/which-updates as an up to date list of which will get accepted and why others will get rejected, and have it posted automatically to -release once a week. Comments etc should go to -release. Cheers, aj [0] Since the Packages files will start referencing packages and sources in the pool, rather than under dists/potato/... This is actually unavoidable, but we'll try to make sure there are at least symlinks from dists/potato to the pool for anything missing, FWIW. The Packages/Sources files may or may not end up pointing at the symlinks rather than the pool. This will probably first happen sometime after the changeover, but will definitely happen during 2.2r2. -- Anthony Towns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/> I don't speak for anyone save myself. GPG signed mail preferred. ``We reject: kings, presidents, and voting. We believe in: rough consensus and working code.'' -- Dave Clark
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