On Wed, 25 Oct 2000, ciro aisa wrote:

> where can I download Xpmac for debian-powerpc
> and where are these experimental XFree4 debs for debian-powerpc too ??

You can dl Xpmac.rev10 from the suse ftp server

just decompress the archive, it's the binary (don't know where to find
Xpmac sources)
drop it in /usr/bin/X11 (or somewhere else)
chmod 755 the binary

modify your /etc/X11/Xserver to use Xpmac


NB you will need xfonts-scalable in order to use Xpmac.

tu as aussi la [MacsBug 6.5.4]a7  qui est apparue recemment et qui
supporte le Speech Manager, avec la dcmd spk_st qui permet de faire
prononcer au mac la pile des appels ou le contenu des registres du PPC.
-+- Ol. in Guide du Macounet Pervers : Tout se perd, ma bonne dame.. -+-

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