> > Using Wine _is_ x86 specific in the sense that Wine emulates enough of > > the > > Windows low level API to let x86 code including DLLs run on Linux. To my > > knowledge, there is no port of Wine to another architecture. You cpould > > argue Wine can be run under some x86 emulator - does making Windows apps > > run on VirtualPC constitute a Linux port? > > Yes, using wine -as an emulator- is x86 specific. Using wine as what it's > intended in the first place, a library, is not x86 specific. As long as you > are
That's winelib (which I may have mentioned in passing, as in 'Corel didn't use winelib but wine') for all I understand. Porting using winelib would be fine, but that would make all the DLLs disappear, wouldn't it? Michael