On Sun, Oct 01, 2000 at 09:33:08PM -0600, Nate Duehr wrote:

> I'm totally confused.  I've sucessfully (re-)loaded OS9 a few times, done a
> whole bunch of partitioning and I think I'm still missing something.
> Let me list off what I *think* I need to do to use yaboot/ybin for dual
> (eventually triple) boot and maybe someone can straighten me out.
> I can't get you the output of mac-fdisk right now without typing the output
> from notes or something, so I'll try to give enough information -- hopefully
> I'll be detailed enough.
> I used the Apple partitioning tool to make a small HFS partition of about
> 185 MB up front (/dev/hda10 when I get to mac-fdisk).  The idea here is to
> delete it later and create both the 800K Apple_Bootstrap partition and a
> Linux swap partition.

ok that will work.

> The next partition is the standard "Macintosh HD" HFS+ partition for MacOS9.
> And then a large unallocated space (this is the approximately 20GB left over
> after giving up the small 175MB partition and an approximately 9.8GB
> partition to MacOS9).

this is OK, i prefer to have all my linux partitions next to each
other, but that is just preference.

> Okay...
> Now here's where I'm confused.
> I then boot the Debian-PowerPC CD using the information given earlier about
> telling OpenFirmware how to start the CD boot... and that works great.
> I make my way through the usual Debian install, and when I get to the disk
> partitioning I have a couple of problems.
> First -- I delete the HFS partition that's up front (/dev/hda9) and use "C"
> to create a partition named "Apple_Bootstrap" that's 800K by telling it to
> use 1600 blocks.  **Question 1: What "type" should I tell mac-fdisk to make
> this, and where did I miss this in the docs?**

in my mac-fdisk-basics file there is a transcript of an actual
mac-fdisk session.  for type: you give it:


just like that.  

for name it can be anything i usually use bootstrap, but nothing uses
the name.

> So I've tried a few different options there ... but I can't really tell if I
> have done it correctly due to the rest below:

GNU parted will make this much easier.

> Next I try to create a swap partition with the leftovers from the 175MB.
> **Same question as above.  Does the name matter?  And what "type" should it
> be?  I've tried a number of combinations, but the Installer never sees it as
> a Swap partition.**

use the `c' command which will create the correct type for you, but
the name IS important here, it MUST be `swap' 

> Then I create my partitions for Linux... actually I'm doing a no-no since
> this is just a single-user machine, I'm creating a single root partition to
> hold everything.  (Yes, I know better, but I'm still in a learning mode
> here... I'll probably re-do all of this in a few days anyway, once I have
> the process down.  Especially since I want to write up a little loading
> Debian Linux on iMac's HOWTO type doc once I have a better grasp on this
> stuff... I'll need better notes to do that.)


> So /dev/hda11 becomes a 10GB Linux partition by using the "c" command in
> mac-fdisk.  /dev/hda10 is the MacOS9 partition.  It's called "Debian_Root".

its better to use the name `root'  this way if you neglect to put
root=/dev/hda11 in your yaboot.conf the kernel will find it on its
own.  (i just learned this a few days ago when looking through the
kernel source)

> Okay, once we're back in the installer, I initialize that partition and
> continue with the install as per usual Debian... no problems there.  In
> fact, I think I even have a good idea what different kernel modules I'll
> need, etc... I'll have to read the kernel docs/source to make sure I
> understand what the options all are there when I get to writing docs.
> Then since I read that obviously qwik isn't for this machine, at the last
> step "Make bootable from CD", I jump out to a shell and start playing with
> ybin trying to get it to get me set up to use the Apple_Bootstrap partition
> as my jumping off point for Debian FUN!  :)

yup Make bootable from hard disk currently does not work for newworld,
it might for potato r1 if we can make the days start lasting 30 hours
or so around where Dan Jacobowitz lives ;-)  (would sending beer help
dan <g>)

> At this point, all I can seem to get it to do is give me "Error creating
> configuration file" and other errors, depending what options I pass it.
> Others include "Not enough space on partition."... Can ybin be run
> successfully from the shell in the installer where running from RAM disk?

hmm i thought it could...  it could be that the ramdisk has been
filled up somehow, its VERY tight.  you may be better off writing a
real yaboot.conf in /target/etc/yaboot.conf and passing that to
mkofboot with the `-C' switch, like so:

mkofboot -C /target/etc/yaboot.conf -m /target/etc/ofboot.b 

you might have to create/copy ofboot.b in /etc there should be a basic
one in /target/usr/share/doc/yaboot/examples/

all this crap most certainly will be improved in potato r1 which will
have a smarter ybin.

> Since the hard disk is still mounted as /target at this point, I'm sure I'm
> missing something about how to set up /target/etc/yaboot.conf -- and I'm
> betting that with all the other various confusion I'm having, something else
> is wrong anyway...

ae /target/etc/yaboot.conf is all i can suggest here unfortunatly...

the --partition --root switches tell ybin to make its own yaboot.conf
on the fly for copying to the bootstrap partition, even if you have a
real one it will be ignored.  it usually is sufficient to get your
system booting for the first time, thats all its really meant for.
but for some reason this is not working for you...

make sure you use mkofboot and not ybin for the first time on the boot
floppies, otherwise it will fail since no filesystem exists on the
bootstrap partition.

> So I'm stuck, but trying!  :)
> Any hints would be great.  I'm going to go read Ethan's docs again and see
> what makes sense now that didn't an hour ago.  That's usually how my
> learning style works...

i hope the above helps..

Ethan Benson

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